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Collaborative Learning Week


We launched the second half of Spring term with a collaborative learning week based on life through the decades! Across the school the children learnt about life from 1940 through to 2019.  Can you guess which staff members are in the photo above?

Assembly: Britain through the Decades

Nursery: Britain through the Decades- 2010-2020

Reception: Britain through the Decades- 2000-2010

Year Two: Britain through the Decades- 1980-1990

Year Three: Britain through the Decades 1970-1980

Year Four: Britain through the Decades- 1960-1970

Year Five: Britain through the Decades- 1950-1960

Year Six: Britain through the Decades- 1940-1950


Rickleton Primary School launched into the send half of Autumn term with a fantastic collaborative learning week which was centred around toys and the film Toy Story!

Across school, pupils focused on different aspects of toys and enjoyed learning how to play collaboratively.  Learning included toys from other countries, toys that move, toys of the future and past as well as our favourite toys.

To start the week we were delighted that Buzz and Woody from Toy Story came to our assembly and spent the morning visiting classrooms. 

On Friday afternoon children and staff were invited to bring in their favourite toy or game to enjoy playing with in school and with their friends.

Pupils thoroughly enjoyed their study and had a great deal of wonderful learning to share, which was showcased on their year group displays and learning books!


Meeting Buzz and Woody!

Year 3
