Advice to Parents
Home School Partnership
A positive relationship between home and school is the foundation of ensuring that our children are happy and make good progress in school. We are fortunate at Rickleton to have a positive and supportive school community and hope that our families feel suitably supported by us in return.
The bedrock of this relationship is outlined in the documents below and also via several policies which are kept up to date on our policy page Policies | Rickleton Primary School
As with all areas of school life, if parents have any questions or concerns, we would always encourage you to make contact with school on 0191 415 5050, where our office staff will put you in contact with the correct person to offer you support.
Home School Agreement
At Rickleton Primary School when a new pupil joins us, we ask that they, a parent and the school sign a home school agreement. This outlines the school's expectations from parents and children and includes outstanding attendance, excellent behaviour and effective communication. It also makes clear how the school will support the learning of all pupils in an inclusive and safe learning environment.
If you require a paper copy of any information available on our website, then please contact the school office.
Behaviour Policy
Rickleton Primary School understands the importance of promoting positive behaviour and creating an environment in which everyone feels happy, safe and secure. Therefore the school has an inclusive behaviour policy which is focused on promoting and recognising positive behaviour choices. We have produced an information guide for parents about how the school's behaviour system works. The current behaviour policy can be viewed here Policies | Rickleton Primary School
Advice on funding for additional childcare
Phonics and Reading Support
At Rickleton Primary School we aim for all our children to become fluent, confident readers who are passionate about reading. We teach phonics using the Read, Write, Inc programme to give your child the best possible start at literacy. The following booklet provides more information about Read, Write, Inc and how is develops reading skills.
Reading with your child guides
The Importance of Sleep
At Rickleton Primary School we understand the importance of our pupils getting a good nights sleep and the impact this can have on their learning. The following links offers advice and guidance for parents who need support at bedtimes.