Our Vision and Values
Welcome to Rickleton Primary School
Our Vision
Our vision is that every child at Rickleton Primary School feels happy and has a passion for learning. This is the result of a rich and varied curriculum driven by excellent teaching and access to a wealth of exciting, challenging and motivating opportunities. All children will come to a safe and inclusive school, where everyone is celebrated for who they are.
We believe that children should be curious about their learning. Through our engaging curriculum, we ensure that children can foster a passion for learning that will help to develop high aspirations and a lifetime of memories. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum; where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success and reach their full potential
Curriculum Vision
In order to achieve the vision we have for our pupils, we have tailored our curriculum to ensure they are given the knowledge, skills and experiences to be successful. Our curriculum vision states:
We aim to provide a creative, inclusive, challenging real-world curriculum relevant to the local and world-wide context of Rickleton Primary School today. Learning, built on the development of strong basic skills, will inspire deep knowledge and transferable skills which progress from each individual’s starting points.
We want to inspire curious and ambitious learners, with a passion for education, giving them a thirst for knowledge to become the innovators and problem solvers of the future. By immersing children in an environment which celebrates tolerance and equality, children will learn to communicate their thoughts and opinions in respectful ways.
At Rickleton Primary School, we believe that children thrive and build resilience in an environment which is safe, inclusive and supportive of their well-being. By providing this environment, we believe every child is able to achieve their best possible outcomes and feel celebrated for who they are. Our curriculum supports learners to be proud to achieve their potential academically, socially and emotionally whilst encouraging them to become ambitious life-long learners.
More can be learned about our curriculum by following this link https://www.rickletonprimary.co.uk/curriculum-1/
3 School Rules
Finally, in order to be truly successful citizens, our pupils must understand the importance of showing positive values and actions towards themselves and others at all time. In order to achieve this, we ask that children follow 3 simple rules at all times:
Show respect and good manners to everyone and everything
Be kind and honest at all times
Follow instructions with care
Our School Values
Rickleton Primary School (RPS) reminds us that we need to be Respectful, Proud and Safe (RPS).
Children find about these values through learning in and out of the classroom but particularly through our whole school assemblies. Each half term takes a focus on being respectful, proud or safe, with a theme linked to each values so that children develop a deep understanding of the varied forms of each. An example of an annual assembly plan can be seen below showing how the values drive the messages children hear and hopefully put in to practise.
Respectful - this takes many forms, particularly being respectful of others in how we treat them. This encapsulates many core themes such as anti-bullying, discrimination, religion and also links strongly with the British Values of tolerance and respect. Over time, children also learn about having respect for themselves in how they act and feel and also consider showing respect for the world around us, whether that be the whole planet or simple things such as looking after school property and their own possession.
Proud - there are two focuses to this values. Firstly, helping children to be proud of themselves. They consider things such as their talents and the type of friend they are. They also consider things such as their appearance and recognising less celebrated achievements such as being caring and being a good friend. Children also celebrate their own positive mental health. Children also get the opportunity to think about being proud of others, whether that be their friends in school or their family at home. It also allows us to think about the actions of the wider community and being proud of people who help us such as police and nurses. Assembly is a time to celebrate achievements of individual and groups, including school linked elements such as sporting success, positive attendance and dojo points.
Safe - the final of our values is potentially the most important, where children learn to keep themselves safe. This takes various forms including links to online safety and messages linked to more physical dangers such as road safety, water safety etc. This value also allows children to consider important messages linked to child protection such as reporting worries, pants are private etc. Visitors are often used to strengthen these vital messages such as NSPCC, police, school nurses etc. By using assembly asa responsive teaching opportunity, we are also able to keep our children safe by responding to concerns in school or the local area such as new apps to avoid or building work in the local area etc.
British Values
We also understand the importance to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. The Key Values are:
rule of law
individual liberty
mutual respect
tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
The promotion of these values and many others comes via many events and activities which take place in school but are also specifically covered via the PSHCE curriculum and the assembly planning format.
A further example of how these values are promoted can be seen via our 3-year assembly plan below, particularly the term plan promoting the British Values.