Contact Details
Rickleton Primary School
Vigo Lane
Tyne and Wear
NE38 9EZ
Tel: 0191 4155050
Please note that calls may be recorded
Headteacher - Mrs J Price
Deputy Headteacher - Mr A Baker
Assistant Headteachers - Mrs S O'Connor and Mrs S Wilson
Chair of Governors - Mrs K Ross
Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding - Mrs Michelle Thompson
Parent Enquiries - Mrs L Dietz, Mrs S Hubbick or Miss L Owen or telephone number 0191 4155050
If parents require a paper copy of any information on our website then please contact the school office.
Parent Support Partner - André Sowerby - 07717392658
For enquiries about specific areas in school please ask to speak to:
EYFS - Mrs C Meredith
KS1 - Mrs S O'Connor
LKS2 - Mrs G Banks
UKS2 - Mrs H Couling
If you wish to make a complaint, please contact the school via telephone, email or in writing, using the contact details above where your complaint will be passed on to the relevant school leader or governor. Details about complaints can be found in the Complaints Policy here - Policies | Rickleton Primary School
Special Educational Needs:
At Rickleton, we take pride in ensuring that our curriculum and all activities in school are accessible and allow all children to flourish, irrespective of need. If you require any support with pupil Special Educational Needs, please contact our SENCO, Mrs Sarah Wilson, via the school office email or telephone number.
Parents should be aware that the school would take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils.
In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to significant harm, ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, staff have no alternative but to follow SSCP (Sunderland Safeguarding Children's Partnership) and inform Children Services Social Care of their concern.
Designated Persons for Safeguarding:
Mrs J Price - Headteacher
Mr A Baker - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs S O'Connor - Assistant Headteacher
Mrs S Wilson - Assistant Headteacher and SENDCo
Mrs D Smith - Rickleton Plus Manager
Mrs M Thompson - Safeguarding Governor
The School Safeguarding Policy can be viewed in the policies section of the website here.