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FORPS is a member of The National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations and in 2007, the Friends Group became a Registered Charity. Registered Charity No. 1121319


The Friends of Rickleton Primary School group was set up in the late 1990’s to give the wider school community, particularly parents, the opportunity to have their views and ideas represented in ways which directly benefited every child.
The majority of its members are working parents with children attending the school. They are committed to spending the money that they raise on items or projects that will benefit all pupils across all areas of the curriculum.


The FORPS meet regularly after school to plan and discuss events and then decide how to spend the money which is raised. Any parent, carer or grandparent of a child in our school are welcome to attend the meetings.  The current committee consists of 15 members.  The joint Chairs are Jan Price and Nikki Hodson.


FORPS funding has enhanced our children's school experience in many way including new ICT equipment, bicycle helmets, funding school visits, supporting the Arts Award and Rainbow Club, a new outdoor camera, playground equipment and new books for classrooms and the library.

FORPS are thrilled that the money raised through our events help to fund many requests from staff to further enhance the education of our children. The table below shows the huge amount of money FORPS has given to the school since the start of the school year.

Then children had a fantastic time watching 'The Greatest Showman' at the FORPS movie night!

The children had a fantastic time at the Halloween disco!

FORPS Quiz Night - Friday 12th October
