FORPS is a member of The National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations and in 2007, the Friends Group became a Registered Charity. Registered Charity No. 1121319
Are you a parent, grandparent or carer who wants to get involved in raising funds for Rickleton Primary School? Are you a member of the local community who would like to be involved in supporting the school? Do you have a little spare time to help at school events?
The Friends of Rickleton Primary School (FORPS) would love to hear from you!
We are currently a small group of parents and grandparents who meet regularly to plan fund raising events for the school and to decide how money raised for the children is allocated. It’s a friendly group who enjoy working together to support the school and have fun along the way. We’d love to grow our team to be able to assist the school even more. Whether you have a little or a lot of time to spare the group would be grateful for your support.
Money has helped to fund school trips, resources, books for the library and classrooms, author visits, sports team uniforms, bicycle helmets, an outdoor camera, playground equipment and much much more.
If you’re interested in finding out more, follow our Facebook page at , email or contact the school office on 0191 415 5050.
FORPS was set up in the late 1990s to give the wider school community, particularly parents and grandparents, the opportunity to have their views and ideas represented in ways which directly benefit every child.
The majority of our members are parents and grandparents with children attending the school. We are committed to spending the money raised by events to benefit all pupils across all areas of the curriculum.
We regularly meet after school to plan and discuss events and then decide how to spend the money which is raised. Any parent, carer, grandparent of a child in our school and any member of the local community are welcome to attend the meetings.
Typical events throughout the year include;
Summer and Christmas fairs
Halloween and Spring Discos
Easter egg hunts
A colour run
Christmas card designing
Some FORPS can be seen below: