Rainbow Nursery
Welcome to Nursery's website page!
Welcome to Nursery’s website page. .
Our teachers in Nursery are Miss Ebdon, supported by Mrs Laidler and Mrs Robson.
Please find below our term by term curriculum plan for the year. This will tell you what we are learning about in all of our subjects and many of the exciting things we are doing in our learning. During Academic year 2023/24, we will be following CYCLE B.
Reading Spine
Reading at Rickleton is always a priority and much of our learning is linked to class novels. The attached reading spine shows the class text for each term and a spine of linked and suggested reads, in many different styles and formats to suit all readers.. Parents may find this useful when choosing or buying books across the year.
PE Lessons and Kit
PE for Nursery will take place on a TUESDAY MORNING and children will need PE kit.
- Non-branded solid red t-shirt or solid red long sleeved top (plain or with school logo)
- Plain black (non-branded) PE shorts or jogging bottoms. Sport leggings may be worn but must be plain black
- Sport trainers or plimsoles may be worn for PE
If PE kit is not brought, school will provide suitable equipment to ensure your child does not miss a lesson.
If a child is ill or injured, they will only be able to miss the lessons if a letter has been provided by their parent/guardian. A new letter must be provided for each lesson unless agreed with the teacher.
Additional blocks of PE will take place across the year and staff will inform parents in advance when these are due to happen.
Useful information and links
The information below can offer further help and information to parents with children in Nursery:
What's happens in Nursery?
The images below give a taster of life in Nursery: