Class Dojo
Dojo Points
Class Dojo is a free, online tool which we use in school.
Every child has a Dojo 'monster' which allows staff to give positive, and sometimes negative' Dojo points as a reward for a variety of actions. These may be to do with class work, behaviour, homework, manners etc, When children reach 50 Dojo points, they get to choose a reward from the Dojo prize box.
At the end of each term, we reset all points across school to zero to give all children a fresh start.
Dojo Communication
The most important aspect of Class Dojo is the communication function it provides between school and parents.
It is vital that parents access Dojo online or via the free to download app as the majority of communication from school is sent in this form.
The whole school story allows senior leaders to share important messages such as upcoming events or other areas of concern or success.
The class story allows teachers to share information for their class, such as letters, reminders etc. They will also share homework, photos and other resources in this way.
When a child joins school, parents will be asked to complete a Dojo permission form including permission to share photos. The positive of Dojo being that it is a closed form of media for our community only.
If you have any issues or need to be connected to Dojo, please contact the school office.