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Phonics (inc. Spelling)

Read Write Inc

At Rickleton Primary School we teach phonics and early reading through the validated synthetic phonic programme, Read Write Inc. 

Child will bring home a Read Write Inc book matched carefully to sounds that children have been taught and know.


More information can be found about Read Write Inc. via this parent's guide:

Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics - Oxford Owl

Teaching of Phonics in School

Across the Early Years and KS1, children receive daily phonic lessons to learn the different stages of sounds to support their reading and writing.

Practising Phonics at home

It is hugely important that children developing their phonics knowledge and skills see and rehearse the sounds regularly. The resources below offer support for parents to do this as part of home learning. If you require any guidance about which words to cover or correct sounding out etc, please speak to your class teacher or Mrs S O'Connor for more guidance.


Read, Write, Inc. Spellings

At Rickleton Primary School, we recognise the importance of teaching our pupils to be effective spellers. Pupils in Year 2-6 are taught spellings through the Read, Write, Inc. Spelling programme, which follows on from the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics programme that we also follow in EYFS and Year 1.


Read, Write, Inc. Spelling is a spelling programme based on proven strategies of teacher modelling, followed by partner work to embed learning. The programme covers all of the word structures and spelling requirements for Years 2-6, including explicitly learning spelling rules and how to apply these, as well as learning the Common Exception Words and High Frequency Words that are outlined in the National Curriculum.

The scheme has been specially created to meet the higher demands of the spelling curriculum appendix and the results it produces are outstanding. We certainly hope that it has the same impact with our pupils. Pupils have been carefully grouped to ensure that they are in a group suitable to their spelling knowledge so they can make rapid progress and the needs of all pupils are met.


Pupils now receive:

· A daily spelling pattern lesson.

· In-school access to the Read, Write, Inc. Spelling practice books which are full of structured activities and lively illustrations.

· Access to online content in school, with an exciting spelling planet, extra support for checking answers and much more.

· Their own Log Books, which are to be taken home to record individual progress and build a home/school link. This can be done through practising words that they have written to ‘Log and Learn’.

· They can also access the Extra Practice Zone where pupils can apply and consolidate their learning during their learning at home.


Pupils’ spelling knowledge is assessed informally on a weekly basis and then through a spelling test at the end of each half-term. This ensures that they have consolidated the spelling rules learned in the half-term.

As part of the pupils’ homework, they use their ‘Log Books’ to continually review and revise spelling rules and patterns that have been previously taught, using their words to ‘Log and Learn’ each week. Regular, daily repetition of spellings is vitally important to ensure that all pupils can consolidate and apply their spelling knowledge.

Handy Tips For Supporting Pupils With Spellings


· Make sure that the log book is used to practise the tricky spellings regularly.

· Revisit spellings from previous weeks.

· Ask your child to explain the rule for the week and get them to give you example words so that you can build up a word bank that can be referred to frequently.

· When your child is writing in their Log Book, remind them to use their dots and dashes and ‘Fred Fingers’ to spell.

· Encourage your child to edit their own writing for misspelt words using the sounds chart in the Log Books to choose the right grapheme.

· Use the Log Book to log high frequency words which you notice your child is spelling wrong

· Play homophone games where you give them a word like right/write and they write you both spellings and show you on the sounds chart which graphemes they would choose to spell them right! Make sure they know which one is which!

· Play hold a sentence dictation where you give the child a short sentence with one of their spellings in which will help them to understand the meaning of the word and spell and punctuate correctly

· Always ensure that your child has their Log Book in school every day.


Additional Resources

· Parents’ Guide to the Extra Practice Zone

· Set 2 and Set 3 Sounds and Rhymes · Link to the Extra Practice Zone (on Oxford Owl):

