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Rickleton Primary School

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Welcome to our school gallery! Please enjoy browsing our photographs to see the exciting learning opportunities our children have been engaging in!

Jack has been busy making Mrs Price a Teleporter to go on her desk. The buttons will take her to America, China, Barbados or Jack's house for tea. She is trying very hard not to disappear to the beach! Well done Jack!

The children in Years 3 and 4 really enjoyed their residential stay at Ford Castle.

World Book Day 2019

We had a fantastic time celebrating how wonderfully different our children and staff are by having a 'This is me' day. Every year group came in a different colour of the rainbow and carried out learning about different aspects of what makes people different.

Edie wrote a fantastic newspaper report for her homework about how Rickleton Primary School raised money for Children in Need. She mentioned the fantastic 'yogathon' which was enjoyed by all.

Well done Harry for producing some excellent homework! Harry made a board game to teach his friend about different countries in the world.

Well done Jenson and Alfie who produced an excellent cold task where they had to write the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. They worked hard to remember all of the features of an excellent story.

The RNLI came to school to teach our children about how to keep safe in open water.
